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Thursday, 24 February 2022

Horizontal Calendar Control For Xamarin Forms

Horizontal Calendar Control - is a cross-platform plugin for Xamarin Forms that allows you to display a single row calendar in your app.

How To Use
Available on NuGet :
Install this Plugin in your Xamarin Form Project.

Implementation Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
    <StackLayout >
        <views:HorizontalCalendarControl  x:Name="calendarControl"/>
UI Customization

UI Customization Property
  1. HeaderBackgroundColor: Used to set Header background color.
  2. HeaderTextColor: Used to set Header Text Color.
  3. LeftRightArrowColor: Used to set left and right arrow color.
  4. SelectedDateTextColor: Used to set selected date text color.
  5. SelectedDateBackGroundColor: Used to set selected date text background color.

How to display the Selected date
Write Following Code to get the Selected Date.

<Label Text="{Binding Source={x:Reference calendarControl},Path=SelectedDate}" />
<views:HorizontalCalendarControl  x:Name="calendarControl"/>
How to get Selected Date
SelectedDateCommand: use this command to get the selected date.

Design Side:
<views:HorizontalCalendarControl SelectedDateCommand="{Binding SelectedDateCommand}"   x:Name="calendarControl"  />
Code Behind: (MVVM)
private DateTime _selectedDate;
public DateTime SelectedDate
   get => _selectedDate;
   set => SetProperty(ref _selectedDate, value);
public ICommand SelectedDateCommand => new Command<DateTime>((selectedDate) =>
     SelectedDate = selectedDate; 

1 comment:

  1. The selected date is not displayed. The result is a useless thing that is not even clear why it is needed. It would be cool if the function of clicking on the date was added...


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